As a Native American man, who is a member of the Blackfeet tribe and Nation, I am well aware of the history that the American Indian suffered from the day that the Europeans came to the land and Continent that would be called America. But in today’s society I believe that we as Native People need to remember the history that our ancestors suffered that the heinous acts of history does not repeat itself and we as Native People become further victims of the racist and genocide part of American history.
Also today we as Native People need to begin to organize and fight back beginning in the state and federal court system, including pressing our causes and cases up to the US Supreme Court if needed to undo much if not all of the past water, land and human rights abuses and issues that we have suffered through for centuries, since 1492.
As you review the natives4justice website, ask yourself as a United States citizen, if you being a citizen of the United States of America, your lands, your water and almost every aspect of your life was regulated by a federal agency that has a two billion dollar annual budget, has an estimated 72,000 federal employees administering the lands, water and lives of 1.7 million United States citizens, living on 556 separate Indian land holdings scattered throughout the United States called “Indian Reservations”: Would you being a United States citizen consider that a system of government over your life and lands to the extent that the Bureau of Indian Affairs has over American Indians as being a part of what is termed as being the “American Dream”?
I would hope your answer would be “NO!”
Where today many United States citizens do not realize that Native People living on “Indian Reservations”, although they have the same civil rights, freedoms and liberties that all other US citizens have, on many occasions are not afforded the same legal standards and rights that other United States citizens are afforded when their civil rights and liberties are violated by federal employees who work for the federal government like the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
As I continue to build the natives4justice website I will be posting other information concerning the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the federal doctrine of "Trust Responsibility". Also I will be posting more information on this website toward furthering my cause toward informing Native People and non-Native who are US citizens concerning their civil rights and liberties and I will be posting facts concerning the unlawful acts that I have personally experienced concerning how the Bureau of Indian Affairs Administrators and employees have violated my civil rights and liberties in my pursuit toward securing what is termed as being the “American Dream”.
In a sense the American Indian instead of being given the opportunity toward experiencing the “American Dream” they have historically been subject to what I would term as being the “American Nightmare”!
Since through a process of having their native lands taken from them through a process of genocide, Presidential Executive Orders, Acts of Congress and by other seemingly legal means, having their children forcibly taken from them, like my grandparents in the early 1900’s who were forcibly taken from their parents and stripped of their culture and heritage and placed in a religious intern camps (called Catholic and Methodist religious missions), where if they spoke a word of their tribal language they were beaten and punished severely.
Where today there is evidence that many of these supposed religious intern camps that Indian children were forcibly sent to were victims of child molestation and rape by priests and nuns of both genders, priests violating young native boys and nuns sexually violating young native girls.
And to add insult to injury from 1824 until today, having a federal agency known as the Bureau of Indian Affairs who initially in 1824 was a part of the United States War Department placed over almost every aspect of an Indian’s lands, water and life in the name of “Trust Responsibility” and having a continual onslaught of States and other federal agencies still in pursuit of committing genocide against the American Indian through a manipulation called “negotiations” toward attempting to further take Native People’s lands, control their water rights and eventually have total control over the rest of their lives, lands and water rights.
Throughout Indian Country we have serious issues concerning the murder and abduction of Native women and there is an unchecked crime rate and out of control drug and alcohol problem throughout Indian Country and it seems as though the federal agencies who are responsible for defending Indian communities against this kind of violence has its head in the sand and is doing what they have been historically doing for centuries, NOTHING!
Where as you read the column on this page describing the "Mission Statement" of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, as follows;
The mission of the Bureau of Indian Affairs is to enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives."
If you are a Native person living on an American Indian reservation you already know through experience that the above described "mission Statement" is a failure and it is a lie!
Where on most American Indian reservations throughout the United States poverty is rampant, unemployment rate is at an average of 80%, where many of the Indian people living on an American Indian reservation have no clue what their basic civil rights, freedoms and liberties are in accordance to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America and other federal statues and laws that are designed to protect a citizen of the United States civil and human rights and liberty's.
Na To Ah Wa Pii (Holy Speaker)
A proud member of the AMSKAPI PIKUNI People and Nation.